What’s your Favorite TV show?
One of mine is AGT:
Real Name
America’s Got Talent
What’s your Favorite TV show?
One of mine is AGT:
America’s Got Talent
Idk maybe 3 below, oh, and I dream of singing at agt!
AGT is super cool, but I also like KGT
THough, now that I live here it would make more since to like AGT, I also like The Voice
Hi! My names Lorelei and I’m new here! Please check out my profile, and my favorite TV show is America’s Funniest Home Videos. I also want to sing on AGT!
Me too!(except I’d rather do ventriloquism)
AGT is really cool. I would dance and sing on it!
I kind of also want to do FF ballet on AGT.
same! Awesome show and I kinda hate Simon
He’s actually getting kinda nicer.
BTW: whenever he’s the last to make a yes/no decision & everyone else says yes & when he agrees w/ everybody he says “Well you’ve got four yeses”
@Lorelei You got suspended 'til Jun 21, 2022 8:00 pm! What Happened!
P.S. Tell me what happened when you come back on.
ya he is getting nicer
Real name
America’s Got talent