I am so glad to be part of a wonderful community such as this one. I am basically just writing this to let you know that this is a shared account. Most of you already know this. But just making sure. So we shall both edit. Thanks!
THE ORIGINAL AGM: I like writing, poetry, art, music, and learning different languages. I have come so far in my life and am glad to talk to anyone that wishes to support me and what I stand for! Stay strong AMERICA! God bless you!!
Tae-hyung- I am THE ORIGINAL AGM’s best friend. I have recently come onto community, but with strict parents. I am not allowed to have one of my own. So I will share their account. I am korean, and like korean food. I love to draw and watch anime, (also the video games) I am learning to speak english, but it is not as easy as writing it down. But that okay. I do my best. I am always looking for friends so please you r welcome. Message me at this account as well, but maybe specify who u want to get. LOL