I think that there is alot of time to type during Covid-19, I just don’t really know what. I mean I have done most everything in my Typsey levels and I am working on it everyday, but you know, same things over and over again can get very boring. No offense to Typsey, I love your program. So anyone have any thoughts about something extra? (Besides essays I already have to type those:)
how about you type out a game to play and play with family!
@Latora Smith that is a great idea. I can even hold out typing competitions!
So sorry about my last post. It was completely irrelevant and I flagged it myself. It was my fav. bias photo. So please ignore if it does show up. I am so embarrassed that is a lesson on do not quickly post and make sure to check it twice. That is something that we all learn I guess. But yea do not freak out (I doubt any of you are:)I flagged it myself. But hey, if you do see it, then you know my pc homescreen. <3 LOL
thank you! @AGM i hope i helped you
@Latora thank you and I will. LOL !!!
hows that game of yours going
Well, I am using a website to play with my parents and siblings
@LATORA_tora How did you get a red panda as your profile pic? It is so cute!!!
@AGM first i can send you the pic second can you please send me link to your game if that is okay with you.
i got them from a website called pexels
@AGM im sorry are those to much pictures i might have to flag it im so sorry
@AGM To add a photo for your account, upload a file to your profile by clicking Preferences > Profile
Happy customizing!
Typesy Team
@LATORA_tora My GOSH I might die at having to look upon so much CUTENESS!!! I’m so sorry but my game ended yesterday.
Maybe I can start another for you and me though and send you the link for that??? Is that ok and the pics are so cute !!!1
By the way I found that on Pixels LOL THANKS for the tip!!!
@Kenny_Shin Thank you for liking my post.
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
@AGM That’s fine! Have fun gaming
@AGM sorry for not replying quickly i get so busy so quick