Competitive typing Games

I would love to see games where students could compete in real-time. Like some type of racing game.

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yeah, that would be fun.

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That sounds GREAT !!

Sorta’ like Nitro Type?

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@AGM Exactly! That’s what I was thinking! It would be extremely hard to create a new typing/racing game from scratch and still be able to compete with Nitro Type, which has been around for 9 years.

It would be like Schoology trying to compete with Google Classrooms. It just isn’t happening.
(You might or might not get that analogy, but if you do, then you know what I mean)


i do get it and I am sorry that I have not replied for a while

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That would be fun!!! even i know im gonna lose. Still FUN

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you would enter in your wpm and then wait for more people of that group to come in and then vote on speed or accuracy or bolth and then at the end the one who was best would get so many points or a prize! that’d be so fun.Hey… You could ask people if they want to compete sort of like texting a invite!


This would Be great and is something that my students have actually asked for!

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Oh! This sounds really fun. I can send this over to our team as an official feature request. Although it may or may not be possible, we still need to try, right?

Alright, let’s take a vote!

Would you like to see a typing racing game on Typesy?

  • YES, it sounds fun!
  • I like Typesy as it is now
  • NO. It might be too distracting for the students in the class
  • I’d like to share a different suggestion! (reply to the thread)
0 voters

I had a typing program before that had a competitive race kinda like you were talking about. But it was sorta lame and I did not like it that good but I think some sorta competitive typing game would be a lot of fun!