Typing program for schools

What should be considered in choosing a typing program for schools?

Hi Juno,

I hope you are having a great day.

A typing program suitable for schools should have:

  1. Online typing course
  2. Typing improvement progress charts
  3. Engaging and educational typing games

Thanks, and I hope that helped.

Best Regards,
Aidan Bernales
Community Moderator at Typesy

Hello, @junoburnett!

As a teacher, I’m happy to share the core reasons for why I would choose Typesy over other programs. For one, I appreciate the level of customization the program allows. Additionally, since Typesy adapts to each learner, I can be sure my students are working at a pace best suited for their learning needs.

Students love the program as it keeps them engaged through a variety of gamified lessons in which they earn rewards, up their game status, and work towards custom goals. They can build their own avatars and practice typing through fun, interactive lessons.

Additionally, I know Typesy is a research-based program, so I know my students are learning to type with proper technique and maximum efficiency. And not only is the content great for kids (typing games, personalized avatars, standards-aligned, etc), but Typesy does not allow advertising on the platform, so you can be sure your children are safe. No unwanted ads will be popping up while they work, and their data is kept secure and private.

Hopefully knowing what I appreciate about Typesy will help you in considering a number of options.

Alex (The Reimagined Classroom Teacher)