How to choose a typing program suitable for my kids?

Give me some tips to consider in choosing a typing program for my kids.

Hi Stephanie!

It should seamlessly fit together every essential piece for the best in student learning: sound instruction that is rigorous but not boring, natural yet challenging, easy to access and navigate, fun, social, interactive, teacher friendly, technologically advanced, and student-oriented for engagement, motivation, and mastery.

Best Regards,
Aidan Bernales
Community Moderator at Typesy

Hello, @stephanieproctor!

As a teacher, I’m always on the hunt for programs that will keep my students engaged. If this is important to you, I would suggest seeking out a program that injects a little fun into typing practice. Personally I love Typesy for this exact reason - the content great for kids. They get to work through a variety of gamified lessons in which they earn rewards, up their game status, and work towards custom goals. They have the option to build their own avatars and practice typing through fun, interactive lessons. Additionally, Typesy adapts to each learner, so no one will ever find themselves with lessons too easy or too difficult.

Consider your online privacy, too! Even if a typing program is free to use, you’re likely paying by offering up your data to the site. Typesy does not allow advertising on the platform, so you can be sure your activity is safe. No unwanted ads will be popping up while your kids work, and your data is kept secure and private.

Alex (The Reimagined Classroom Teacher)