I’m in 6th Grade and my average is 20 WPM is that embarrassing to you? What is all y’all’s typing speeds?
I am in 3rd grade and I have 25 wpm And just started so if you just started I would think it would be okay
I mean, I’m in 6th grade and I have like 30 wpm so I think it’s ok
I just started in January, but I have not been doing it everyday.
I’m in seconde grade and I haven’t been doing it lately but my highest one was 30 wpm
Hi there!
You are doing great! In general, the average typist can type 41 WPM; typing at or above 57 WPM is deemed above average. When you are first learning to type, accuracy is more important than speed. As long as you are practicing, your speed will improve over time. Keep it up!
Alex (The Reimagined Classroom Teacher)
You should try to play the games that improve your speed like for example the game speed builder or letter train 1 and even letter train 2
@emdoggy7, that’s a great suggestion!
Typing games are a great way to practice both speed and accuracy across the whole keyboard. They also happen to be quite fun!
Alex (The Reimagined Classroom Teacher)
I am in 6th and mine is 37 so I think that you are doing alright. Some people progress slower than others.
Hi, @Maebh_R!
That’s a great WPM for your age! Congrats to you!
Alex (The Reimagined Classroom Teacher)
I’m in seventh and do 20wpm, so I don’t think that’s too bad.
I’m in 6th grade and I have 42 wpm
I’m in eighth grade and my wpm is usually around 30-35 ( it depends !!! ) , but then again I just started typsey this year so good job !!!
@Squeezer I’m in 6th and I have 20-30 WPM so no biggie.
i am doing arond 35-45 words per minute
I think 20 WPM is very good, but my cat doesn’t think so so get some help from me Labron James.