If someone gave you 1 million dollars and told you that you could spend it however you pleased. But, they said you are not allowed to spend it on yourself, your family, or your friends. What would you do with the 1 million dollars?
I would donate a million dollars to an organization that I believed in. Ofc! Or I would throw it into the street in a busy place in NY, why bc that would be cool and make the news!
Good one!! I think I would donate to Caring For Women and/or CAM.
If you are not allowed to spend it on yourself, your family, or your friends, then you wouldn’t be able to spend it any way you like.
What orginization do you believe in?
Hey you’re here!? You’re online?!
CAM. (Christian Aid Ministries) You could do something like that. Caring for Women is another. There are a lot more.
I’m on!
Can’t think of more characters. lol
I want you to join this topic real quick; My Best Besties
Sorry, here I am, I believe in organizations such as foster care, and stuff
Oh…, I see. Yes. Um… well… this is getting a bit awkward. I’mma go.
Let me in group please.
Yo I would donate 500 thousand to charity and I would keep the rest for other things
I would donate 500 thousand to charity and I would keep the rest for other things