What is the average typing speed for an 8 year old?

What speed is average for an 8 year old?

The average wpm is 5wpm x Grade#
So since your 8yrs old, you should be in the 3rd grade.
So plug that in and its: 5(wpm) x 3(rd grade), or 5 x 3 = 15wpm

Your average should be 15 wpm.

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ok thank you and yes I’m in 3rd grade

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Ur welcome! :smile: :+1:

I’m 8 and in 3rd grade too!

Very cool! What is your name?

Oh and what is your typing speed?(WPM)

Elizabeth, that’s what it is

the answer is 40. that is what i is

Wow that’s incredible. . . to be in third grade and to have 40 wpm keep open the good work !!!

I am 10 ( grade 5 ) and my average typing speed is 60!

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@Mickyle.gairy That’s pretty good keep it up!

@emdoggy7 i ment on the drills, not with words.

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I’m 5th grade check my nitro type speed

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I’m nine and when I was eight, 3 words per minute?

But that was just me… I was a beginner in typing so…

I forgot which account I was using :sweat_smile: