Typing speed for an editor

What should be the your typing speed if you want to be an editor?

Your typing speed should be 50-70 WPM.

Editors and proofreaders may work in publishing houses or be freelance workers. They can be tasked with editing novels, manuals, or research articles. Being a proficient typist will help meet deadlines set by your employer or client. It will also help you become more detail-oriented and able to catch mistakes in documents.’

Best Regards,
Aidan Bernales
Community Moderator at Typesy

Hello there, @yousifminer!

When I’m working on proofing and editing, I find my touch typing skills very handy. Aside from the obvious time saved and overall efficiency of typing quickly and accurately, it’s really helpful to be able to keep my eyes focused on the screen and text rather than my fingers and the keys. Out of all of the benefits to having learned to touch type, I think I’m most grateful for that one!

Alex (The Reimagined Classroom Teacher)