Tell me more about transdisciplinary approach in typing?

I’ve heard Typesy is using that approach so can you please explain it?

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Hi Charis,

This framework likewise recognizes the brain’s need to learn by constructing meaning and connections. Used by the International Baccalaureate program for its primary grades, the transdisciplinary approach is an evolving pedagogical perspective that a growing number of educators consider vital for preparing today’s students for the challenges they face. It informs a curriculum design that encourages students to ask and answer questions, to understand how content links across disciplines, and to recognize how their learning can help them with real-world contexts and complex problems.

Best Regards,
Aidan Bernales
Community Moderator at Typesy

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Hello, @charisgillespie!

As a teacher, I very much appreciate Typesy’s use of a transdiciplinary approach; it means I can focus on multiple subject areas within a typing lesson, unifying a topic of study while also reinforcing time for typing practice. Since Typesy has over 2,500 common-core standards-based lessons, my students can learn to type while engaging in fun, differentiated lessons in science, social studies, ELA, and math.

This means students will interact with academics through typing in ways that bridge the divide between separated subjects. Students will be made to cross reference their areas of subject knowledge, creating multiple layers of learning while working on keyboarding skills.

Alex (The Reimagined Classroom Teacher)

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