Hand pain due to excessive typing.

How can I avoid hand pain when practicing how to type?

Hi there,

You can do simple hand massages. Start by making small circles with the flat of your thumb around the palm of your other hand. Keep that hand relaxed while you do the massage. Use enough pressure to reach deep muscles, but not so much that you’re causing yourself more pain. Make circles over the base of the thumb on that hand, and be sure to massage the thick pad of muscle between the thumb and forefinger. Turn your hand over and continue to use the thumb of the other hand, massaging these muscles at the base of your thumb and up to the webbing.

Best Regards,
Aidan Bernales
Community Moderator at Typesy

Hi there,

Good day!

Arm yourself: Position your wrists and forearms so they’re nearly straight (not tilted up or down) as you type . Move it: Get up to stretch and move regularly. Go up and down: If possible, switch between sitting and standing as you work. Use good posture: Don’t just focus on your arms.

At the same time you need to relax if you feel that you already spend too much time typing so that you will be able to continue typing right after without feeling the pain at all.
