What is the appropriate age for Typesy user?

Hi, is there a age range that can only use Typesy?


A lot of people wonder if there is an age limit when it comes to learning a new skill. The answer is NO.

If you have parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles who feel it is too late for them to learn how to touch type, help them think otherwise. Typesy can help them learn this vital skill no matter how old they are.

Best Regards,
Lyka Remeticado
Community Associate at Typesy

Hello, @mariahacosta!

If you’re old enough to type, you’re old enough for Typesy!

In general, at the earliest, it is recommended to start around the age of 7 to allow for full development of the motor skills necessary. That being said, the older a typist, the longer they have had to develop bad habits.

Every age range has pros and cons to starting to learn - whether because of language skills, motor skill ability, or muscle memory and neuro development - but none of the age-related negatives are excuse enough not to try!

Through dedicated time and practice, anyone of any age can master touch typing.

Alex (The Reimagined Classroom Teacher)