Suitable Ages for Typesy Users

I bought Typesy for my kids aging 9 and 11 but is this an appropriate age demographic?


Yes, Typesy is actually recommended to age 8 and above.

Best Regards,
Lyka Remeticado
Community Associate at Typesy

@juliematthams, your kids are the perfect age!

Practicing good keyboarding skills is good for any age, but it is recommended to start students no earlier than age 7 to allow for full development of the motor skills necessary. That being said, the older a student, the longer they have had to develop bad habits. Younger students will develop muscle memory skills quicker, but older students will be more comfortable with reading and writing, thus more able to spell correctly when typing. It is advisable to first introduce structured keyboarding lessons before the middle school years. That way, students have developed the literacy and motor function skills needed but have not yet had too much time to develop bad typing habits.
