No worries!! Not at all. You’re fine.
again not 2b rude,but how does a church not allow u 2 watch movies?
Im a Christian, Methodist 2
Some movies might not be wrong but a majority focus on murder, horror, or other things we consider improper. We feel they take our focus off of God and all He has done for us.
that makes sense… Ill stop talking about them then. I dont want to disrespect your religon
is there a specific thing about non-horror books? (not including the bible)
Not really. As long as they don’t contradict or overrule the Bible. Also we try to stay with books that are Bible based.
Please, if you have any more questions, feel free to ask me.
Im sorry i was gone i had to have dinner, wont be here 4 rest of the day
I take that last part back if you want 2 talk
Of course! But I won’t be online until bout 3:30 this afternoon my time.
what time is that in colorado?
Probably about 4:30.
Hi @coinballon78! What’s up?
oh my gosh your online sorry i was offline i got caught up with all the school work and completely forgot about typesy community
Yup. I’m here. I was off most of the day but I’m on now.
Seriously!? Same here!
what you want to talk about
did you just freakin leave
It’s turning green here! I’m so excited!! We received a lot of rain and the grass is coming up. CA is so beautiful in the winter/spring. Doesn’t that make you all who in live in snowy states jealous?
@GMDressen is it turning green there?