Join The Oddo Wack-a-dack Group

Hi! I’m evey and if u see this u prolly wanna join huh? Well u just gotta say :grinning::smiley::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grin:! When we have 5 people we will vote on the leader…

From the crazy person,
Nitemarey (its my new nickname for online)


I shall be the 2nd to join this group. I also want a nickname. (btw, this is kim- taehyung) So please if you can give me a cool one.

sorry my summer break ended last week and IM FINALLY BACK AND IN 3RD GRADE

they completely moved me from 4th to 5th. I started the year in 4th now I’m in 5th

I’ll join! :grinning: I’ve seen this group before, but I never looked at it until today.

@coinballon78 I remember when I was in third grade. That was a while ago!!

Wow, @Nitemares_are_ev! That’s nice that you could make that jump!

Yeah…lol, I don’t know if this group ever went anywhere…

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