Why do we actually need to learn touch typing?

Please give a solid reason as to why touch typing is really an important skill to learn.

Hi there,

It has never been more important to practice good typing.

The academic and professional words are becoming increasingly dependent on technology and are looking for individuals who possess strong typing skills.

If you have a method that works well for you, you can certainly stick with it. But if you have been thinking about improving your typing, you should learn the touch-typing method.

Best Regards,
Aidan Bernales
Community Moderator at Typesy

Hi Nate,

Using two or three fingers to hunt and peck takes much longer and allows for the development of bad habits. It is much better to keep your hands still and allow for efficient use of all fingers. Touch typing involves the specific placements of all eight fingers and both thumbs; once muscle memory is strong enough, this style allows for the typist to focus on the screen rather than the keyboard.

Typing is a skill that can help in many areas of your life. Learning to type faster and with more accuracy makes you more efficient. You may qualify for jobs that you do not currently or just become faster at communicating online. Faster typing means more time for you to do what you love!

Alex (The Reimagined Classroom Teacher)