ABC should be the keyboard layout.
Hi there,
It has been the standard keyboard layout ever since. Some are using DVORAK, COLEMAK, etc but QWERTY still wins. I too have been practicing a lot on this layout using Typesy and now, I am very comfortable with it.
Best Regards,
Aidan Bernales
Community Moderator at Typesy
Hello there, @abigalehalliday!
You are certainly not alone in that opinion! I, however, politely disagree
The QWERTY format came about out of necessity. Early typewriter typists had issues with keys getting jammed, so QWERTY was designed to avoid this. The thinking was to stretch commonly used letters apart, allowing your fingers to be less cramped when typing.
So while we are much more familiar with alpha order than QWERTY, the long terms benefits of a QWERTY layout win out. Although an alphabetical layout may be easier to learn, you’d find your fingers constantly fighting for space!
Alex (The Reimagined Classroom Teacher)