What are the benefits of touch typing?

Enumerate what are the impact of developing the skill of touch typing.


With good typing skills, students will do all their writing for school—from notes and papers to journals and online collaboration—faster, easier, and better.

The Typesy Team

It’s true - the benefits of touch typing are numerous.

Today, with the increase in technology use, we are more familiar with keyboarding than any generation prior. With the ubiquity of personal devices, many of us are more than proficient when it comes to typing with our thumbs. This is why it is perhaps more important than ever to ensure we are developing the correct typing skills. The longer one goes without formal keyboarding training, the longer they have to build bad habits. For example, poor body positioning when typing can have negative physical effects and may lead to long term damage.

Additionally, deemed by today’s standards in education, keyboarding is an essential skill. Many states have converted from paper- to computer-based tests, meaning students must have a solid foundation of keyboard learning in order for test scores not to skew. As the world continues to rely more heavily on technology, the ability to type has become a necessary skill for any and all entering the 21st-century workforce.

The Typesy Team