Subscription Reminder

I just received a Subscription Reminder from Typesy so how can I continue using the program?

Hi! Typesy’s Subscription Reminders will show when your subscription is getting close to expiring and it hasn’t been renewed yet. Every page within the admin interface will have a reminder at the top of it letting you know when your subscription expires. If it is close to the due date, this reminder will be red. Once paid and renewed, it will disappear.

If you want to renew and extend your subscription, the reminder makes it easy! All you need to do is click on it and you will be brought to the accounts subscription screen where you can extend your subscription and have it all taken care of. This is a simpler and more convenient way to handle renewal and extensions than just trying to remember the expiration dates or write it on a calendar somewhere.

Once your subscription is extended the reminder will disappear until it gets close to renewal time again. By adding subscription reminders to the top of the screen, Typesy can now help its users keep track of their subscriptions and give them time to renew them. That will prevent lapses in the students keyboarding education.