Dear Ereflect Support Team and Typesy Community. 04/22/2020
I bought the Software Typesy (For Individuals and unlimited free updates) and a one-time payment by PayPal of USD $29.95. Unfortunately, I have had problems upgrading to a new version. I love Typesy and I have been using it for quite a long time. Could you please help me?
My job has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Increasing my typing speed and improving accuracy, will help me to get a new job. I would like to get your help as soon as possible, since a need to practice it right now.
I am sending the documents with all information about the market place, price, and key code details for my purchase.
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
You take care!
Best regards,
Luiz Oliveira – 04/22/2020