Good typing software

What is a good typing software?

Hi Ronan,

The software must take a multi-platform, multi-modal approach that implements best pedagogical practices and provides a guided instructional curriculum with standards-based content that is both transdisciplinary and flexible.

Best Regards,
Aidan Bernales
Community Moderator at Typesy

Hi, @ronanbriggs!

Consider your online privacy, too! For typing programs delivered through the internet, even if the program is free to use, you’re likely paying by offering up your data to the site. Typesy does not allow advertising on the platform, so you can be sure your activity is safe. No unwanted ads will be popping up while you work, and your data is kept secure and private.

Something to consider as you look for a software fit for you and your learning needs!
Alex (The Reimagined Classroom Teacher)