Disadvantage in growing with hunt-and-peck technique.

What is the harm if students will not learn the proper touch typing and grow using the hunt-and-peck method?


Actually, there can be a lot of harm. Graduates who type improperly for life have a higher risk of suffering repetitive strain injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome. Not to mention all the hours they waste being less productive both in school and, later, at work.

Best Regards,
Lyka Remeticado
Community Associate at Typesy

Using two or three fingers to hunt and peck takes much longer and allows for the development of bad habits. It is much better to keep your hands still and allow for efficient use of all fingers. Once muscle memory is strong enough, this style allows for the typist to focus on the screen rather than the keyboard. Of course, students will continue to improve in their typing skills for as long as they continue typing which will likely be the rest of their lives, hence why it is so important to ensure they’re doing it the right way.

Without dedicated practice time, students could develop bad habits or work at a speed much slower than what they would ultimately be capable of. Once accomplished, the ability to touch type will yield positive results for students for the rest of their lives and is therefore decidedly worth dedicating time to.


Our students today are more familiar with keyboarding than any generation prior. With the ubiquity of personal devices, many students are more than proficient when it comes to typing with their thumbs. This is why it is perhaps more important than ever to ensure our students are developing the correct typing skills. The longer a student goes without formal keyboarding training, the longer they have to build bad habits. While the short term effects may seem positive - especially if a student is more than proficient in their own typing technique - the long term effects can include irreversible physical harm so should not be taken lightly.

Alex (The Reimagined Classroom Teacher)