What skill have you realized is important to have?

Is it true that typing is really an important skill as you grow?

Hi there,

The skill of touch typing.I never had a keyboarding lesson as a student so I didn’t realize how essential it is until I got rejected from a job for failing the typing test. That day, I decided to learn. I used the program called Typesy to help me with the practice and even though I landed different job, it still helped me with my productivity and efficiency

Best Regards,
Aidan Bernales
Community Moderator at Typesy

Hi Jethro,

Typing is a skill that can help in many areas of your life. Learning to type faster and with more accuracy makes you more efficient. It can help with typing your school work or work in the real world faster. Faster typing means more time for you to produce your work and more time to do what you love!

Alex (The Reimagined Classroom Teacher)