Typing Competency

What is typing competency and how to determine it?

Hi Harlan!

I hope you are doing great today!

Typing competency is a metric that gives a realistic indication of progress. This is a number out of 100 that takes speed, accuracy and the number of keys learned into consideration.

Best Regards,
Aidan Bernales
Community Moderator at Typesy

Hello, @harlanmaguire!

The term ‘typing competency’ just refers to how well you can type!

If using Typesy, you will be assigned a competency score using the Typesy Mastery Metric, simply a way to measure and quantify your progress as you improve in your typing skills. Keyboarding ability is measured in both speed and accuracy. Typing speed is measured in the total amount of words per minute (WPM) and accuracy is measured as a percentage of words typed correctly. Typesy’s metric adds a third area of content knowledge which measures the ability to touch type specifically, that the finger positioning aligns with the touch typing method. It allows you to know how well you’re progressing towards a mastery of touch typing.

In most ways it’s similar to any other typing test. The key difference is that third area of knowledge being tested as well as speed and accuracy.

Alex (The Reimagined Classroom Teacher)