Tests Reply for EDU

Can I reply tests made by a student?

Hi Samara,

If you wish to view test replay, click on the Admin tab of your screen and then the Tests and Classes tab of the EDU version of your account. After selecting a class, go to Tests and Assignments and choose which test to view. You are given the option to replay the test at the right side of the dialogue box.

To view course step replay, go to Classes on your Typesy EDU version and select a class. Choose a student from the student roster and click on their Progress. You can now see their overall proficiency in the course and a breakdown of their performance for each activity.

Thanks, and I hope that helped.

Best Regards,
Aidan Bernales
Community Moderator at Typesy

Hello, @samarahowells -

Were you able to replay the tests as you wanted? I certainly hope so. The amount of data Typesy provides is incredible. With very little effort I am able to see my students’ progress in great detail - right down to which keys are giving students problems!

Alex (The Reimagined Classroom Teacher)