Overall navigation and student use

Hello. I have logged in and created a class, and added my one student. I do not really understand what to do next to add what I’ve assigned to the class to my student’s to do list. Also, I see nowhere how a student is supposed to login and start working. How do students login on their own and see their view of the program? I’ve tried to create a profile for the student but it asks for an activation code which was not sent to the student’s email. I tried to use my activation code but it says it’s already been used.

I do not understand the word list. It does not allow me to click on anything or begin typing. What is it for and how do students use it?

ok… I read the letter to students and can now login as if i’m the student. i still do not see where I, as the instructor, can put the assigned classes in the to do list for the student. I still do not understand the work lists…

Hello, @Gwendelyn_Krause!

Whenever you could use some guidance, Typesy offers a few ways to get specific help fast. You can see your options for help here: typesy.com/contact-us

Once you get up and running, it’s going to be so worth the effort! Learning the platform can be a bit daunting, but the payoff leads to engaged students and efficient teaching in the long run.

Good luck!
Alex (The Reimagined Classroom Teacher)