Is There A Video Guide?

Do you have any video or demo how to use the program?

Please view our video support here:

Best Regards,
Aidan Bernales
Community Moderator at Typesy

Hello, @rahimhodges!

If you navigate over to the main Typesy website, you’ll be able to see examples and screen grabs from each of the types of curricula. There are also videos on YouTube should you want to see the program in action.

Typesy also offers a full refund to anyone who isn’t happy with the product, so you’re safe to try it out. A company can only afford to do that if the average user is convinced of the product’s worth. When I first read their refund guarantee, I knew it was a sign of a quality program.

As with anything on the internet, you must consider your online privacy. If you find a typing program is free to use, you’re likely paying by offering up your data to the site. Typesy does not allow advertising on the platform, so you can be sure your activity is safe. No unwanted ads will be popping up while you work, and your data is kept secure and private. This is partly why a free trial does not exist.

Everyone learns differently, and with the amount of options available for typing programs, everyone should be able to find something that works for them. Is it has been a while since you posted - have you been able to find what you needed?

Alex (The Reimagined Classroom Teacher)