How to Teach Touch Typing

There are several scientific studies that suggest students respond better to some teaching efforts better than others. To effectively teach touch typing, keep these tips in your mind along the way.

Reinforce Progress

Encouragement and positive feedback are a crucial part of the learning process. Students yearn for approval from their teachers and without it, the learning is less likely to be permanent.

The Process of Learning

Did you know that there is a learning process that scientifically occurs for each of us when we learn something new?

Unconscious Incompetence is the stage that each of us begins at when we are first learning something new. During this stage you are unaware that you do not know something.

Unconscious competence is what happens when you have learned a subject so well that it becomes something you can do automatically. This is what happens when someone becomes efficient at touch typing and can type without thinking about it.

Transdisciplinary Approach

Most teachers agree that teaching across the subjects is the best way to reach any of the students that land on their roster. If you can link typing to class to things learned in ELA, math, science, or any other subject then you will be more likely to deeply reach the children.

And remember - typing practice does not need to be a mundane task! Utilize typing games to keep students engaged, and before you know it, students will be begging to practice their keyboarding skills. Aside from keeping lessons fun, typing games allow students to track their progress, happily focus on areas of weakness, and practice their hand-eye coordination, a skill much needed in touch typing.

Alex (The Reimagined Classroom Teacher)