How do people score 20k-100k points in a couple of min?

I can see how if you went off on this, you could score a couple hundred thousand points a week, with good pets.
What I am not understanding is how a couple of kids from one school in the rankings seems to post 20k-100k point increases in a matter of min. I passed one today, went to the bathroom and he posted 20k more points before I could wash my hands.
the other day one logged in, in the morning, and shot up 100k points immediately, a few days in a row. with no other points increases all day.
I was hoping to race a couple of people but this doesn’t seem legit.
If it is, I would really like to hear a break down of how one can post 20k-100k points in under 10 min.
I could very well be missing something.
I’m less annoyed about the score. every list has crazy top people.
I’m just interested if this is text scripting or is there really a way to power into points like that, that I am missing.

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