Are Typesy lessons divided?

How does Typesy present its exercises? Are those divided into courses or levels?

Hi Eduard,

Yes, it includes hundreds of courses, lessons, and exercises; a grade-appropriate video library; and high-quality animation.

Best Regards,
Aidan Bernales
Community Moderator at Typesy

Hi, @eduardbeattie!

Typesy has such a high level of customization, too, so you can always tweak to your benefit. Typesy has over 2,500 common-core standards-based lessons, so you can learn to type while engaging in fun, differentiated lessons in science, social studies, ELA, and math. You can also load in your own text for an even more personalized experience.

The level of detail and engagement involved in the program is one of the reasons I continue to tout it!

Alex (The Reimagined Classroom Teacher)